Sunday, May 27, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Touring, East Van Style
SF is nutty. That's about all I can say without going into detail about all the bikes here, not just fixies. Bikes everywhere. Might hit up the pre-pre-naccc party tonight. Riding sf is fun too. Traffic and roads are a challenge compared to van. Cars are bigger, lanes smaller, but drivers smarter and sometimes more courteous.
But fuckit, I'm gonna go hit this town midnight mass style! And I aint got no lights!
So there ya go. Camilo's still keepin' it street even when touring. I know I'm not the only one looking forward to future updates.

Thursday, May 24, 2007
Do you have any pirate memory games?
I was hoping to see Duncan drop into the Teacup, honestly.
Either way, big ups to the haunted (oooooh) for stepping up the 700cmx=D
In other news, I'm wrecking your NJS, one piece at a time.
My new bar/stem setup had me doing nosebonk to toeverlap to brutal impaling within 30 seconds of hopping off the rollers last night.

I got it in check within a few km of drifting though. The street never felt so close. Triceps are screamin, back tire's hissin, I'm like lowlife mike but with more RWD.
My boss asks me, "Are these for bad pedestrians?"
"They're just extra incentive to keep it precise."
Pirate themed Critical Mass. Tomorrow. Art Gallery. 6pm.
Because seriously, who doesn't fucking love dressing up like a pirate.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Cadence > Mash
Yup. These kids bring it. 700cmx.
I'm having a hard time deciding what bike to ride lately.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Now, we're all guilty of the occasional drunkdialing now and again, but this is ridiculous.
LeMond went on to reveal that he told Landis that keeping dark secrets can ruin one's life, then relayed his own story of being sexually abused as a child, a story LeMond said he had shared with only a few people and never talked about publicly until Thursday. . . The drama continued when LeMond, under direct questioning from Barnett, said he received a phone call Wednesday night from a mysterious caller, who identified himself only as "Uncle Ron."
LeMond said he was perplexed at first, but that changed to concern when the caller made direct references to the conversation about sexual abuse that he had with Landis last August.
"He said ‘Hi Greg, this is your uncle. This is your uncle Ron and I'm going to be there tomorrow,'" LeMond recalled. "I said, ‘Who is this?' He said, ‘I'm going to be there and we can talk about how we used to hide your weenie.' I got the picture right away that there are very few people who know about that. I figured this was intimidation."
The three-time Tour champ said the caller then hung up, and when LeMond redialed he got a voicemail message identifying the call recipient as "Will."
LeMond said he tried calling back three more times, finally getting an answer from someone who identified himself only as "Bill." The conversation was inconclusive, so LeMond hung up and then called the police. A subsequent check of the number saved on LeMond's mobile phone showed that it belonged to Landis's business manager Will Geoghegan.
We at Project B are certainly not ones to cast the first stone when it comes to obscene late-night phone calls, but it's a sad state of affairs for the professional peloton these days:
Henceforth, the phrase "Uncle Ron" shall now be verbified to describe the act of a phone call or text message that seemed like a good idea at the time. Kind of like a Hungry Painter, but with less awkward dismounts and more hide-the-burrito.
At the end of the day, Vinokourov still remains the man. When your patrones are Kazakhstani energy oligarchs, you tend to fly under the radar of any anti-doping investigations.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Upcoming Events
-There will be BBQing
-There will be California Kickball
-There will be boozin' up (sorry cats, BYO - I'll need that dough to impress the spanish ladies or eat or something like that)
Trout Lake Park (specific location TBA)
When: Friday, May 18th lets say 6:30 to start, yo.
Friday, May 18th, Ladies Ride.
Meet at 7:30 at the Science World Gazeeb . Roll out around 8:15. Fixies not mandatory, but if you have one, bring it!
Saturday, May 19th, Summer Series: Probably a Bad Idea
Meet at the end of Dunleavy st at 3:00pm for registration and the slow/practice lap and race instructions will be at 3:40pm.
The race will start @ 4pm sharp.
Entry fee is $3
Some basic rules:
- The number of laps is equivalent to the number of racers minus one (a the last placed rider is eliminated each lap until one remains)
- If you lap the field (or come within 50m of the trailing group of > 5 or more riders) you will be considered in last place (ie you do not pick up a lap). This is measured as of the start/finish line.
- There will be some course officials so especially rough riding will be penalised with disqualification
- Helmets are mandatory (and real helmets only)
- Fixed gear only

June 8th MC3 Performance Ride
Science World Gazebo, 6pm, Friday June 8th.
This is going to be crazy
June 17th, Vancouvers 6th Annual Vintage Bicycle Show and Swap Meet
Sunday June 17th - 9:30 to 3:30. Put this on your Calender ! This is a great event held each year at the Cambrian Hall at 215 E. 17th off of Main St. in East Vancouver. Many unique vintage and antique bicycles and parts on display and for sale. Find that special bicycle project or missing part! Balloon tire, road, track , Muscle/ banana bikes and vintage BMX. No newer stuff. This years event will also feature vintage skateboards. $2 Admission. Vendor space available too for $25.00 but space is limited. For more info: Dave 604-779-7170. Hope to see you all there! Great place to meet like minded riders and people restoring old bikes.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
The juice of two freshly-squeezed lemons.
One pinch cayenne pepper.
One thumb ginger, grated.
Honey to taste.
And of course, three shots of gin. Repeat as entertainingly necessary. Take your echinacea tinctures and fuck off to Weight Weenies, Nancy. Around here, we drink away the pain.
Shit week, this. Whether it's hay fever, allergies, or melamine in the coffee, something is making me feel like I'm riding around with a Hudson's Bay smallpox blanket wrapped around my head. Well, it's not like I'm doing so much riding anyway; there's a whole lot of Third Reich-inspired team kit sitting idle at 885 these days. The blueshirts are restive indeed, and the words "Dynamex" and "Novex" seem to be bandied about a fair amount. Fucking gong show. Bruvas and sistas gots to eat, yo.
And last Friday, that's exactly what we did. Full-hoon pigout at the Foundation with Kelly and Kasey, who is a lil' ripper if there ever was one. Then we built a fort. Then we hotboxed it. Then Keri dorpped 7 stairs to falt. Then I went out for a lovely morning ramble with Gunther and Peter from the vintage club. Gunther is awesome because he refers to drinking water while riding as a "fad," the Olympics as "international gangsterism," (TRU DAT, SON!) and because he can't remember whether he owns a Holdsworth or Claud Butler track bike. He also pulls hoon shit in traffic, helmetless, that I won't do.
'cuz it's allll about the stylz, kids. I love sitting back off of the front just watching and analyzing what's going on. Learning. Inspecta fucking Deck, son. Watching Khaled flow traffic. Watching Adam jump on the tail of a passing roadie like "Dude, we're racing, and we're jumping on your wheel." Watching Kasey - who completely contrasts with my own "flagrant asshole" style - drop down between mirrors and take holes that I simply can't. Watching the whole ridiculous level of progression over the past year or so.
...and wishing I'd been there to watch Tenten break his brand-new Aerospoke, because the kid is a fucking animal, and he's got a big 'ol target painted on Skylar and Morgan.
Summer. of. hoon.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Heyyyy Youuuu Guyssssss
The Goonies. Thats what.

Here's what FLASH has to say:
Hey everyone, the ride is crazy. descents that don't stop, hills that daunt the fuck out of me. I draft the pack, hit the hills, then FLY. I mean FLY. I'll have tons of stories for you when I get back. So far so good on the brakeless tip. I've earned the respect of all the fellow riders. at least the ones that can keep up. some riders have said they've never actually seen me ride my bike. I miss our rides. I'm gettin all emotion here in this wi-fi cafe. Skylar care to give me a hug? maybe that kiss?
anyways, miss you all a bunch. keep it real.
Thats funny, he didn't mention anything about the treasure map to "One-Eyed" Willy's hidden fortune. Fucker probably wants all the gold to himself.
There's a Chunk(s) joke in here somewhere too.
Look at how cute he is without his Bianchi hat.

Sunday, May 06, 2007
Sideshow at the Velodrome
The Burnaby Velodrome invited the East Van fixie kids back to be a sideshow to their Three Day event, after a great reception at January's Six Day. Proj-B was asked to help organize the "fixie" events, which gave me and my broken collarbone a chance to do something other than support a 180-to-backward circle.
Thanks to everyone who did show up for coming out. The track shows their support for us by providing a slot; it's up to us to fill it. When things were first getting going, there were only four "fixies" signed up to race. However, after a bit of time, more of us trickled in for a total of 7 racers - a couple short of the Six Day turnout, but to our credit there were a lot fewer "trackies" out than in January.
I would like to send out a specific thank-you from Project-B for the enthusiasm you guys brought. The blindfolded trackstand was hilarious, and should provide us with some great photos. Your feedback will directly affect future events, so be sure to keep talking.
Hopefully, with more interest at the next event, we can look forward to some more track time, as the BVC is willing to work with us. I would also hope that our local shops will get behind us for the next one, as there's a lot of great energy going around that 200m oval.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Handlebars are the new rims.
The rest of you are just widening your stock steel wheels.
Summer. of. primer.
Friday, May 04, 2007
My wheelz is growin

You may remember a few months back, when this started out as a hot little 16" zoobomb wheel. Well, after that blew up on a hooned out MC3 ride, I decided to build it bigger.
Here are the specz:
20" Alex MX22 rim 48H
Shimano FH-M475 hub 32H
24x 175mm spokes
16x 185mm spokes
8x punk rock spikes
12T cog
2x KMC 510HX chains
Tektro rotor
Hayes Caliper
.243 dropouts and tensioners
I think I'll need to gear this thing down, as its now about 87 Gear inches. N1ck, give me my cassette cogs back!
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Run for the Border
This morning I felt haggard as I rode in. I had sweet fuck all for leg strength, and yesterday was only a 40km day. Now's probably the time to look into sports nutrition. There's probably something my body is lacking. .. besides rest.
Hope you have a good safe trip to Mexico Camilo.
I will be reposting any updates you give us on here.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
long dark twenties
On the subject, I seem to be encouraging Morgan to get back in the game. He's harassing the Macneil crew right now for Tenpack hooksup. "It's going to be candy, but not gummi bears... It's gonna be Werthers."
Stairmaster is going to make Megatron look mega-boring. Quick, someone set me up with more bling parts! I actually now need some hubguards.
My favorite bank has been sawzall modded to make the rail at the top more accessible. ..and during the last sesh I had there, I made the mistake of giving Morgan my bike for a minute, and he clean 2pegged it on the second try. I'm stoked, he's stoked, but then the fucker rubs it in.
This means I have to now hit it. Though, my peg style is slightly west of the wack, and somewhere around gnar street. This of course means that my outbound right spokes are going to be haggard real quick if I don't do something about it.
Oh but what's this? Morgan is OUT of the game for a bit?
I guess this is bad all around, as now I'm the only member of Project-B able to ride a BMX. On the bright side, I can probably make some progression towards that rail while Morgan works on the girly sympathy.
The weekend was pretty hectic, and I spent all my time with Alicia, who has now defected to the great white North. I didn't see the race, but we did end up at the hospital on Saturday night. I guess things will slow down a bit for me now. I've got a few things to work on over the coming months..
This week I'll probably just focus on the track racing.
I put about 100km on the Cunny this weekend, and I'm feelin it more and more. I suppose I have to learn to ride with drop bars by Saturday, as they won't allow bullhorns on track. I've got to make a good showing, as Morgan won't be able to stomp it.
Has anyone seen my 15T cog? Adam?
Bonus Level macaframa SF vid: