Friday, May 30, 2008

Hook for a Handlebar

I just don't know anymore. I've been donating parts, purging possessions. What bike to ride. what bikes to take? Is the Cunny really cracked? (I sanded the hairline to see what was up, and I still can't quite tell) Things are going pretty fast. My eyes water. Eye protection was left at Lance's. I'll have to go back to Sanderson Safety Supply in Portland if I want another pair of those glasses. They also have that crazy reflective striping on the back of Semi Trucks. It goes for like $30 a roll, but how much is safety to worth to you? Its worth what we value it at. I value it the most when towing things too large for my BOB's capacity up clark at high speed. When a suble weight shift over a bump means the rear end of the bike wants to up and pass. It nearly happened to me this morning around 2am as well. The topheavy MECercycle was wedged into the trailer in some type of nosebonk, and strapped down like a dirt bike to a pickup bed. Somehow it gave way though, spilling onto Victoria in front of the Fire hall. Slightly less than a yard sail, just a couple of sparks from my shoes. Straps? check. Mask? Check, FRS radios? ... dead. what the crap. Its the end of Work to Bike week here in Vancouver, and what did we learn? Does 1500 noob cyclists on the streets for a week change anything? Who really WON the commutard challenge? (we ALL did!, YAY). There's just so much going on. Betterer mark your stuff in the Calendar. Two months is going to Fly by. Had a brief ride with JWeeks in Morgan's absence this week. Pallets were ridden. oh yes. Trembling after a brakeless sprint across town on his BMX. Moppy hair in his eyes. Hoon is strong with this one. Morgan didn't take the Stairmaster to Italy. No Church be easy. N1ck has debarred the lolcat in the hopes that his hip will forgive.. so I guess that leaves me with unofficial B Weeks. I'm also frantically trying to get This BCClettes mobile show lounge trailer cabarextravaganza out of the way. Hopefully my diagrams will aid Robert, when he's doing the metal work. I'm designing for girls, with the only girl input being Wifey. Lets hope our combined common sense makes for a usable end product. Wrap up BBQ today where they perform, sans SOUNDTRAILER. but whatever. They can wait. ..or get eaten!

Yeah. Pirate mass today. Hook for a handlebar. BootayBootayBootayBootayBootay.

Project MECercycle

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Snow Cunnies

Limited street lighting, snow falling, riding race winning brakeless bikes. Projekt-Brinking, indeed.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

best bike day since..

I'll let nick finish this one up. This is probably the best bike day for me in Vancouver so far this year. Perfect temperature, cherry blossom snow, and so many sexy people out and about.

...and so many cuties in helmets on Main st!

Not sure why I didn't post this already, here's a vid the wifey put together for her bike dance troupe, the B:C:Clettes:

Sorry for the J.T.

Here's how many km I've layed down today. Prob gonna go over 60.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Epic Weekend

So I just got back from Texas.

You might as well just take a look at the Flickr set:


Friday, May 09, 2008

"Well, at least we know you lead an active livestyle."

You know you may be injury-prone when your doctor bursts out laughing upon pulling up your medical records. I have essentially pinch-flatted my hip socket, and indirectly, the good Doctor G. is responsible for it all. He's got something like six years worth of bulging discs, subdural hematomae, strained trapezus muscles, and WorkSafe BC reports up in his laptop, and he's kind of like Ed in the sense that I only drag myself in to see him after something very, very bad has happened deep within the bowels of China Creek.

BMX is pretty much about all about eating it and talking shit. The Come Up presents Go In TV:

Kids start screaming in pain 15 seconds in, the heckling begins in earnest at 1:06, and if you listen closely, you can distinctly make out the phrases "STREET BEEF" and "HOOOON". NYC biting 604 slang, son?

Monday, May 05, 2008


Two things:

One, as you can see, Lyle won the Knife Fight on his rocket bike. Post race quotes involved talk of life long goals. Steampunk. We were wondering what happened to CafeRacer...

Two, people are putting on a party which I will be attending, potentially to screen some Proj-B video at 8pm Saturday.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Local Celebrity

Simon made a submission to the FGG of touring. Fittingly, I took the Sekine out today with a ghetto blaster trailer.